Your Giving Makes Our Mission Possible.
Our mission: Guided by Quaker principles, Friends Homes offers a Life Plan Community that encourages a sense of wholeness, wellness, purpose and security at a fair cost, so that each resident may live a fulfilling life.

Our mission: Guided by Quaker principles, Friends Homes offers a Life Plan Community that encourages a sense of wholeness, wellness, purpose and security at a fair cost, so that each resident may live a fulfilling life.
Giving Made Easy
Your online giving is secure and there are plenty of options.
By clicking the "Donate" button you may:
- Choose from a selection of suggested gift amounts or enter the gift amount of your choice
- Choose a specific designation for your gift or leave it unrestricted
- Make a gift in memory or honor of a loved one
- Elect to give anonymously or be recognized in our publications and on this website
- Give by credit card with Visa, American Express or MasterCard
*For questions on how to make a gift through an IRA, as a Qualified Charitable Distribution, gifts of appreciated securities, grants from Donor Advised Funds, or planned future gifts, please contact Carson Spering at 336-458-0353 or
**Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.